The surrounding of Okachimachi was a town of the traditional craft workman who passed on the culture of Edo before.
There are a lot of shops that handle jewelry and the leather product now, and it is recognized as workman's town.
Recently, people who have a high sense and the quality such as the gallery, the atelier, cafes, and shops have moved to the east area.
Facilities where "One-making" had been assumed to be a theme appeared in the Okachimachi area in the background of this flow.
Various shops such as workshops where the one-making can be experienced with individuality have gathered.
It is a shop that is able not only to sell the thing but also to propose the life style.
The Okachimachi area is reborn from "Workman's town" as "2k540 AKI-OKA ARTISAN".
- What is "2k540"?
In the railway term, the place is shown by the distance from Tokyo Station.
It is called "2k540" because facilities concerned are in 2 kilo 540 meters from Tokyo Station.
- What is "AKI-OKA"?
It expresses the location in the middle of Akihabara Station (AKIHABARA) and Okachimachi Station (OKACHIMACHI).
- What is "ARTISAN"?
It means "Workman" in French.
You can see more photographs concerning "2k540 AKI-OKA ARTISAN" at "
Tokyo Weekend Photo"